I’m an Australian economist and photography enthusiast living in Japan. I take pictures with various 35mm, medium and large format film cameras, develop the film in the kitchen and make prints in a darkroom. I’m primarily interested in black and white film photography. I use Kodak Tri-X 400 most of the time, and occasionally faster film such as T-Max 3200 or Ilford Delta 3200. Occasionally I use colour film (Kodak Portra and reversal films). Rarely I use digital. My subject interests include people, cityscapes, landscapes and aspects of Japan.

I recently wrote this about my interest in photography.

Favourite cameras: Robot Star and Star II Volautomat, Zeiss Tenax II, Zeiss Ikon ZM, Nikon F2 and FM, Mamiya C330, Rolleiflex TLR, Linhof Technika.

Darkroom: Fujifilm Super Prodol (SPD), Papitol, Lucky 90M-D, 450M-D.

Photographers I mostly admire include Hiroshi Hamaya, Bill Brandt, Garry Winogrand, Shomei Tomatsu, Andreas Gursky, Daido Moriyama, Nobuyoshi Araki, Alfred Stieglitz who edited a quarterly journal called Camera Work, Robert Frank, Sebastiao Salgado, Michael Marten, Shinya Arimoto, Edward Burtynsky, Ihei Kimura, Rennie Ellis, Issei Suda, Josef Koudelka, Walker Evans, Kazuo Kitai, Jun Abe, Raghubir Singh, Robert Adams, John Gossage, Tish Murtha, Lee Miller.

Most images on this site are black and white analogue photographs scanned from negative or darkroom print. I’m not enamoured with digitising negatives or prints, so often I take rough snap of the original print using a tablet. The exception being the series of photographs (exept the first reversal film photo) listed under Moth Sailing which are digital images.

Previously I posted camera work and related information here.